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How to Say Zodiac Signs in Chinese? A Chinese Language Lesson to Learn Mandarin Vocabulary & Culture

Welcome to "Learn to Speak Chinese"! Have you ever struggled to remember the names of the Western zodiac signs? Trust me, you're not alone. Memorizing them can be quite a challenge. But here's an interesting idea: what if I told you that learning the Chinese names of these constellations might actually be easier? In Chinese, many of the zodiac signs have names that are everyday words commonly used in the language.

Think about it. Instead of trying to remember complex names, you can associate the zodiac signs with simple, familiar words. Isn't that convenient? That's why I've created this lesson to help you learn the Chinese names of the zodiac signs and also introduce you to commonly used Chinese words along the way. By the end of this lesson, not only will you be able to impress your friends with your knowledge of the Chinese names for the zodiac signs, but you'll also expand your Chinese vocabulary.

So let's get started and make the most of this exciting opportunity to learn and explore the Chinese language together!

In Chinese, the term for constellation is "星座" (xīngzuò). "星" (xīng), represents "star" and refers to the celestial objects that dot our night sky. "座" (zuò), has a broader meaning of "seat" or "place" in everyday Chinese.

The choice of using "星座" (xīngzuò) to represent constellations in Chinese may reflect the idea that these star formations are like celestial seats or designated places in the vast expanse of the universe. It highlights the notion that each constellation holds significance and occupies its unique position in the cosmic realm.

Here's an example of how to ask someone about their zodiac sign:


(Nǐ shì shénme xīngzuò?)

"What is your zodiac sign?"


(Wǒ shì shīzǐ zuò.)

"I am a Leo."

Now let's begin our journey to learn the Chinese names of each zodiac sign


The Chinese name for the zodiac sign Aries is 白羊座 "bái yáng zuò,""Bái" (白), refers to the color white, "yáng" (羊), is a general term for all animals in the sheep or goat family, such as sheep, goats, and rams. In Chinese, there are specific terms for each kind of animal, and the word "羊" is typically combined with the specific term to create a more precise name. For instance, "山羊" (shān yáng) refers to a goat, while "绵羊" (mián yáng) refers to a sheep.


Taurus is 金牛座 "jīn niú zuò," , 金 "jīn," means gold 牛 ("niú") is a versatile term in Chinese that encompasses different types of cattle, such as cows and oxen. When used on its own, "牛" represents the general concept of cattle. However, when combined with specific terms, it can create more precise names to describe different types or characteristics of cattle. For instance, "水牛" (shuǐniú) refers to water buffalo, and "奶牛" (nǎiniú) specifically refers to dairy cows. These combinations allow for more specific identification and understanding of different types of cattle within the Chinese language.


In Chinese, Gemini is represented by the term 双子座 (shuāng zǐ zuò). 双 (shuāng) means twin or double, and 子 (zǐ) generally refers to offspring, child, or son. In modern Chinese language usage, there is a preference for two-character words over single-character words. For instance, 双胞胎 (shuāng bāo tāi) means twins, 孩子 (hái zi) means child, and 儿子 (ér zi) means son. This choice is driven by several factors. Firstly, two-character words allow for clearer and more precise expression of meanings. They provide a better understanding of concepts and facilitate effective communication. Secondly, the use of two-character words allows for a broader vocabulary, as more combinations can be created to express various ideas. Thirdly, the syllable structure in Chinese is often constructed with two characters, which maintains a consistent rhythm and flow in speech. Additionally, two-character words offer linguistic efficiency by conveying more information in a concise manner. Lastly, the preference for two-character words aligns with cultural traditions and norms in the Chinese language. While single-character words still have their significance, the prevalence of two-character words in modern Chinese enhances clarity, vocabulary diversity, and effective communication.


Cancer is 巨蟹座 (jù xiè zuò), 巨 (jù), means huge or giant, and 蟹 (xiè), means crab. When referring specifically to the animal itself, we use the term 螃蟹 (páng xiè) in Chinese. . In daily life Chinese, if we want to emphasise the size, we can use the term 大螃蟹 (dà páng xiè), which means "big crab


Leo is known in Chinese as the 狮子座 (shī zi zuò), which translates to "lion sign" or "lion constellation." 狮子 (shī zi), mean "lion,"


"处女座" (chǔ nǚ zuò) is the Chinese name for the astrological sign Virgo. "处" (chǔ) means virgin, "女" (nǚ) means woman or female. The term "处女" (chǔ nǚ ) specifically refers to a virgin woman, "处男" (chǔ nán) refers to a virgin man.


Libra is "天秤座" (tiān chèng zuò). "天" (tiān) means sky or heaven, "秤" (chèng) refers to a balance or scale.


天蝎座 (tiān xiē zuò) is the Chinese name for the astrological sign Scorpio. "天" (tiān) means sky or heaven, "蝎" (xiē) means scorpion. In everyday Chinese usage, "天空" (tiān kōng) is used to refer to the sky, "蝎子" (xiē zi) specifically denotes the animal scorpion.


射手座 (shè shǒu zuò), also commonly known as 人马座 (rén mǎ zuò), is the Chinese name for the astrological sign Sagittarius.

The reason for having two terms, 射手座 (shè shǒu zuò) and 人马座 (rén mǎ zuò), is because of the different cultural backgrounds and translations. 射手座 (shè shǒu zuò) directly translates to "archer sign" or "archer constellation," referring to the symbol of Sagittarius as an archer. 人马座 (rén mǎ zuò), on the other hand, emphasizes the centaur aspect of Sagittarius, using the term 人马 (rén mǎ) to describe the combination of human and horse.

Both terms are commonly used in Chinese culture to refer to Sagittarius, providing different perspectives and interpretations of the constellation's symbol and mythology.


摩羯座 (mó jié zuò) is the Chinese name for Capricorn. 摩 (mó) is derived from the Sanskrit word "mākara," which represents a mythological sea creature. In Hindu mythology, this creature is often depicted as a half-fish and half-animal being and holds significant symbolism. The term 摩 (mó) was adopted in Chinese 羯 (jié) means "goat" and specifically a castrated male goat Together, the combination of 摩 (mó) and 羯 (jié) forms 摩羯 (mó jié), which represents Capricorn in Chinese astrology.


水瓶座 (shuǐ píng zuò) is the Chinese name for Aquarius. The term "水" (shuǐ) means water, and "瓶" (píng) represents a jar or bottle. When combined, they form the word "水瓶" (shuǐ píng), which directly translates to "water jar" or "water bottle."


双鱼座 (shuāng yú zuò) is the Chinese name for Pisces. 双 (shuāng) means double or twin, and 鱼 (yú) translates to fish.

Congratulations on completing this lesson on learning the Chinese names of the zodiac signs! You've taken an important step towards expanding your cultural knowledge and language skills.

I hope this lesson has not only helped you remember the Chinese names of the zodiac signs but has also sparked your curiosity to further explore the rich linguistic and cultural heritage of China.

Thank you for joining us in this lesson, and I wish you success in your language learning endeavors. Happy learning!


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